It's been a long time since I chatted with my penpal in Vietnam, Tram. May be it's more than 6 months, I don't really remember. We're a good friend to each other and she's one of my best penpal from interpals--a website to find penpals from all over the world. I'm not sure about this, but I think we've known each other for almost 3 years.
About a year ago we usually chatted at night in Yahoo!. We even told each other when we would online, because luckily, our time zone is the same. We watched video together and shared some photos. It was our school's photos or our friend's photos at school. We shared our stories. She's funny and helped me once or twice (well even more I think).
Before her birthday, I asked her if I could send her a present via snail mail, because she always said that she didn't do snail mail. But then I asked her address and she gave me. I sent my letter with a bookmark of wayang (Indonesia's traditional puppet) and a birthday card that I made. After she received my letter, she replied mine! which I didn't expect.
I don't know if it's a coincidence, but we enter senior high school in the same year. Indonesian and Vietnam school is not so different about the school (we both have elementary, junior high and senior high). And I'm happy that we reached our goals that year.
But being in a senior high school life sometimes is kinda hard, but fun. I see that we're busy about our schools (exams, homework, clubs), so we really.. really rare talk to each other. Not even in Yahoo!. We just keep in touch in facebook, but it's very rare. May be about once or twice in a half year.
3 days ago, I was tagged in her album. And I found that she tagged a photo of my letter, birthday card and the bookmark that I sent to her. I was so happy that she still remembers me. She wrote something in the details of the photos. And reading what she wrote, really, it's kinda give me a light that we can still be a good friend. We're a good friend although we seldom chat, we rare keep in touch and we got a lot to do. I'm happy because, now I know that what I was afraid of (losing her because of the communication problem) is actually not happening. We're still friends, a close one, the best penpal.
Ah! And yes, Tram. I hope we can meet someday.
And this is what she wrote in her photo.
Hey, do you still remember these stuffs ? haha. Well it's been almost 2 years since our first time doing snail mail huh ? ;) I still keep the book divider, and whenever anybody ask about it, I tell them " It's from my Indonesian friend" !! ♥ I love it and feel so proud of it, I really do! :D
Well I really miss our time talking on Interpals and chatting on Yahoo ;) And when I first time sent you my address, I told you to print it because it's hard to write lol hahahaha =))))
Im really sorry that we don't often keep in touch as we did before (erghhh I was so lazy so that I quit Interpals, didn't reply any messages or letters...) ...but I really love and miss our time talking, sharing, watching Utube, and about "T stuff" haha (both mine and yours) :P
Hope someday I will come to Indonesia or you will come to Vietnam (as you said before ;) ) and we can be better than ever :>
Love ♥
From Tram, to Ifa ;)
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